
Community of people related to cinematography

The leading resource and community hub for film industry enthusiasts from around the world

Find comprehensive updates, reviews, tutorials, and insights on the latest advances in imaging technology, information on the latest equipment and changing trends, and expert advice


Who can use our community and when

You are looking for tools for work

Here you will find information about proven tools that will help and facilitate your work

Looking for new shooting techniques

Learn more in our blog post about new shooting methods

You are not satisfied with standard solutions

You want to organize something non-trivial, non-standard and are looking for ideas

You are looking for interesting innovations in the world of survey equipment

We tell you about the new products that have appeared on the market of equipment and software for surveying

You are looking for new knowledge in the field of cinema

Our extensive learning section of our blog will help you find exactly what you want to learn

Want to know about new trends

You want to be on trend or outperform those ahead of you in the film industry

What you can find on our resource

Consultations and advice

Ask your question and get answers in the following articles of our blog

Information support

Find the information you need on cinematography on our web resource

Mission of our project

The organization’s mission is to create a strong, cohesive community of filmmakers who share knowledge, experience and technological innovations to promote the development of each member and the film industry as a whole. Genery.blog focuses on empowering filmmakers, providing them with tools to realize their creative potential and improve their professional skills.

Who we are

Information portal Genery.blog

A guide for professionals and amateurs directly involved in filmmaking and cinematography, who are concerned about their growth, work, and artistic projects

Experienced professionals

We know almost everything about the organization of the process of creating films, short films, TV series, videos, so we can provide you with the necessary information

Best assistants

We are here to help you save time and money by giving you the opportunity to learn about the latest solutions in film and video production

We are open for cooperation

We are open to everyone. We invite experts to share with our readers interesting and useful information from various fields of cinema


1. Why did you decide to found such a community?

Our goal is to create a blog with quality information where a director, student, producer, professional or film lover can easily find useful professional information, get advice from the community, learn about industry trends and new products in equipment, software, etc. So our mission is to become a community center for film industry professionals from all over the world.

Prepare an article, write to us, and if it is relevant to our topic and contains useful new information for our community, it will be posted on the site.

Such communities are usually focused on a specific topic. For example, The American Society of Cinematographers is an organization that brings together cinematographers to exchange ideas, discuss techniques, and promote cinema as an art form. Cinematography.com is a community that offers education, news, and resources in the field of cinematography. Here you can find all of the above and much more from the world of cinematography.

Leave your question in a special form and our experts will create a detailed article on it for our blog. You will be able to read the material when it is posted on the site.

Ask your own question

Our experts are always in touch with the audience. If you have a question, please leave it here in the form. Later, we will publish a comprehensive article on this issue in the blog for you and other readers who also need to know this information.

Interesting in our blog

The future of filmmaking is on the cusp of significant transformation, driven by innovative technologies and groundbreaking methods. We’ve gathered

Creating cinematic quality videos at home is more achievable than ever with the right techniques and tools. Here are professional

Title sequences are a crucial element in setting the tone and style of a film. With Genery’s extensive library of

3D printing technology has become a game-changer in the creation of set designs and props for the film industry. It

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